Assembling the Paul Puzzle

The Belgian Mandarin Books

Assembling the Paul Puzzle Book

Assembling the Paul Puzzle
The Life of Paul Splingaerd
(Brussels,1842 – Xian,1906)
by Anne Splingaerd Megowan

Since the publication of The Belgian Mandarin in 2008 much has turned up of interest to those who want to learn more about “the mysterious Lin Darin.” Assembling the Paul Puzzle includes new pictures, articles and events that relate to Paul Splingaerd, told in a personal, “intimist” style by his great granddaughter, Anne Splingaerd.



Order your copy today!

What’s the Book About

Researching the life of the foundling who came to be known as “The Belgian Mandarin” turned out to be an E ticket ride that did not end with the publication of my 2008 book, The Belgian Mandarin*. A vast amount of information about Paul Splingaerd has turned up since then, and in combination with the events and coincidences encountered in writing the earlier book, a host of material begged to be presented in follow-up book, so I put it together in Assembling the Paul Puzzle.

This companion to The Belgian Mandarin provides a “behind-the-scenes” account of my pursuit of information on my fascinating great grandfather, and incorporates many photos and documents that have surfaced since 2008. If you are a known relative, or played any part in contributing to Paul’s story, you are probably in it.

Initially distributed on flash drives to interested relatives, digital or print copies will be available by writing me,

I hope you will enjoy this continuation of Paul’s story.

Anne Splingaerd Megowan
January, 2016
Camarillo, California

Where to Buy

Assembling the Paul Puzzle is available right here at:

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Get the your copy of “The Belgian Mandarin!”

